In Richfield, Candidate
Offers Chaos, Negativity
To the Editor:
It is heartbreaking that our town has been plagued for over a year by Nick Palevsky’s horrendous and derogatory articles in the Pennysaver and other papers about a draft zoning law, the zoning volunteers and board members.
Whenever there is chaos, negativity, and turmoil in Richfield, it is Palevsky at the helm. And his statements are RARELY based on fact. So then the bullying and placing of doubt and fear into residents’ minds begins. The current scene is all too familiar.
Palevsky doesn’t understand that you cannot get a different outcome if you continue to do the same old thing. Some change is necessary, and some of the current board members understand that there are steps you need to take to reach your town’s goals.
Bullies and backdoor politics, which Palevsky has used in Richfield for 20 plus years, will set us back even further. In all his articles, what has he offered? Nothing but misinformation and rumors. Is this the person that you want to put in as supervisor, yet again?
Read between the lines, fellow residents. Palevsky has damaged reputations and the integrity of our town, over and over again. But it is not too late. Republicans can vote in the very important Republican Primary on June 25.
A vote for David Simonds for supervisor will bring unity. Kane Seamon has become a strong councilman and deserves our vote. NO vote for Fred Eckler who lives in Florida four months of the year, is always negative. In November’s General Election another young businessman will be on the ballot for councilman – Jeremy Fisher. He runs the much improved bowling alley, and is excited about Richfield. He gets my second vote!
Town of Richfield