Kaytee Shue Announces
Fourth Ward Candidacy

ONEONTA – Katherine (Kaytee) Lipari Shue, a long-time resident of Oneonta’s Center City neighborhood, has announced her candidacy for Common Council member representing the Fourth Ward.
“I’m looking forward to raising my son in the Fourth Ward and sending him to city schools,” she said. “It’s my priority to support legislation which will foster a positive community experience for all residents of the neighborhood.”
A Democrat, she will face Jerid Goss in the Democratic primary on June 25.
Lipari is a lifelong resident of Center Street and attended community schools, graduating from Oneonta High School. Community members may also recognize her from several years as the store manager of a Southside Mall business, Maurices.
Her motivation for running is an optimism about the future of her neighborhood and the city, she
says. If elected, Lipari would like to encourage constituents to get involved in the decisions that directly impact their quality of life.
“This position is about being a representative,” she said. “And I intend to seek solutions and be the voice for my neighbors in our city government.”