Keena: Farms Can Report Weather Damage – All Otsego

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Letter from Erich Keena

Farms Can Report Weather Damage

I am canvasing our communities for reports of damage or increased risk to agricultural operations resulting from the recent and significant weather events that have caused damage to infrastructure and left many without power to their homes and farms throughout parts of New York State.

If you operate an agricultural business in Schoharie or Otsego county that has experienced weather-related damage or increased risk, please contact me at or by phone at (518) 234-4303, extension 119 (Cobleskill office) or (607) 547-2536, extension 226 (Cooperstown office). The information you share will help direct resources in the New York State Emergency Operations Center in Albany, as well as help the governor’s team determine state disaster declarations.

Please also note that Cornell Cooperative Extension maintains an extensive and readily-available library of preparedness and response extension resources. Resources relevant to this most recent weather incident include our “Winter Storm Resources” and our “Flooding Resources.”

Erich Keena
Agriculture and Food Systems Program Manager,
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schoharie and Otsego Counties


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