Kildonan To Bid
On Otego School
Program For Dyslexic Students Would
Employ 25, Have $1.25 Million Budget

OTEGO – The Kildonan School, known nationally for educating dyslexic children at its Dutchess County campus, announced today it is about to submit a proposal to buy the former Otego Elementary School.
A team from Kildonan toured the school on June 7.
At first, the facility would employ 25 people, with a total estimated payroll of over $1.2 million.
Based in Amenia, Kilonan is partnering with SUNY Oneonta’s Leatherstocking Dyslexia Center to buy the building and its contents.
Attendance would be free for eligible students, who would receive same resources Kildonan’s private boarding and day program offers for $70,000 a year.
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