Klugo Renews Interest
In Stevens Hardware
5 Apartments May Be Considered There

ONEONTA – Bresee’s savior Chip Klugo it at it again.
Common Council Tuesday evening will consider seeking a Restore NY grant to redo the former Stevens Hardware Store to the west of the former department store, according to the agenda for the meeting released this afternoon.
The money “would be used to partially offset costs of rehabilitating an abandoned building at 151-153 Main St. as planned by Klugo Properties, East Corning,” the agenda states. Word is he plans to put five apartments in the structure.
It was known that Klugo was interested in extending has rehabilitations after successfully converting the former Bresee’s into Klugo’s Parkview Apartments (with retail on the ground floor) and 2 Dietz St., the former telephone exchange, into three stories of apartments.
The Stevens’ building was last sold last January for $250,000 ton151-153 Main LLC, according to the county’s Real Property Tax Office, but it’s unclear if that was the sale to Klugo, or if something happened more recently.
When John Stevens passed away in 2012 and the property was put on the market, the hardware store had been the longest store in continuous operation in downtown Oneonta.