Lapin: Re: Scanlon No-show – All Otsego

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Letter from Danny Lapin

Re: Scanlon No-show

In 2017, I ran for the Otsego County Board of Representatives District 13 (Oneonta Wards 5 and 6) seat. At the time, I had a full-time job, family and other volunteer obligations. Running for office is the beginning of undertaking a public contract with the constituents you represent.

By becoming elected, a county representative must strive to represent the public interest irrespective of party, background or belief. My predecessors in District 13 and I firmly shared this belief. However, it is clear that our current District 13 representative does not share the same sentiment.

In 2023, Mr. Scanlon was assigned posts on Otsego County’s Health and Education and Human Services committees. As we have seen from the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing opioid crisis, and efforts to serve those in need, these committees do yeoman’s work helping Otsego County’s most vulnerable residents. However, Mr. Scanlon has demonstrated that he is not interested in doing such valuable work through his actions. As of December 2023, he has missed a staggering 21 committee meetings.

As a former representative, I can attest to the importance of committee meetings. It is here that legislation is drafted, initiatives are proposed, and issues facing the county are addressed. To use an example from District 13, Human Services Committee meetings could represent an ideal place to identify ways in which to provide services to our unhoused population that are sheltering at Motel 88. Health and Education Committee meetings would be an ideal place to brainstorm new services to provide to District 13’s seniors. Suffice to say, a lot can be done in committee meetings. It can be easily argued that Mr. Scanlon is perfectly content letting others decide what should be done in District 13.

Don Scanlon’s disregard for his position does not just affect District 13, it affects the entire county. His ongoing truancy can leave key committees without a quorum and thus bring key projects to a grinding halt. It is one thing to deny the constituents of District 13 a voice at the table, however—it is inexcusable to imperil county business simply because one cannot be bothered to participate in meetings.

A foundational credo in our country is that there should be no taxation without representation. Mr. Scanlon has been collecting his $13,000.00 taxpayer-funded salary while hardly representing our district’s interests. District 13 continues to be taxed, but one must ask: When will we be represented?

Danny Lapin
Former Otsego County Representative, District 13


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