Lasting Impressions by Florence McDermott
Who Needs Broadway?
Who needs Broadway when you have thriving theatre in Otsego County? In order to catch the very short run of most regional productions, it’s necessary to be vigilant. Get on a company’s e-mail list to notify you in advance of their schedule. Some productions may be as short as a one-night stand, or as fleeting as a flirtation from “Emily in Paris.”
A case in point is the recent “Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors” presented by Bigger Dreams Productions, which closed October 13 at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center. One can only hope the company will make this show an annual Hallowe’en event. A review of the October 4 performance below gives an idea of what may be in store if you take a chance on a blind date with an unknown company.
Count Dracula may have been born in Transylvania, but his heart belongs to Hollywood. From the moment the Count erupts onto the stage in black leather stud-wear, a cross between Harry Styles and disco king John Travolta, you may feel you’ve already been bitten on the neck. The androgynous count, slithering around the stage, holds you in his riveting gaze, when you’re not laughing out loud at the antics of the rest of the cast.
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