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Learning An Ancient Skill,

At Oneonta History Center

Newly appointed chairman Kim Back, left, shows workshop attendees how to make corn-husk dolls and wreaths at the Oneonta History Center Saturday, part of a new series of historical programs. Others are, from center left, SUNY Oneonta student Laura Santos, and Helen Rees and Celeste Leone, both of Oneonta. “I wanted to do something with a Native American basis,” said Back. November is National Native American Heritage Month and corn-husk dolls were adopted from the Iroquois by early settlers. The Oneonta Historical Society began such hosting workshops in September and plans to continue the program on a monthly basis. In December, they will have an ornament workshop and in January, will host a program with the Oneonta High School History Club. The workshops are free and open to all ages.  (James Cummings/


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