Letter: Festivus-worthy spending – All Otsego

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Festivus-worthy spending

Here we go again! The annual Festivus report is in on some of the stupid expenditures that have been voted on in government this year. Millions spent on a study about gambling that paid for pigeons to play slot machines; another study that finally verified that kids crave junk food; $25 million for art projects to be displayed around New York City; more than $11 million that a US agency put out to request Vietnamese citizens stop burning their trash; $250 million to build border walls — not here but in the Middle East and Africa; $549 million on planes for the troops in Afghanistan that were left behind and turned into scrap.

God help us!

Margaret Kenyon
East Meredith


1 Comment

  1. Dear crazy lady,

    Please stop posting fake information on this page and keep your conspiracy theories on Facebook, where you thrive with your religious extremism.


    A concerned reader.

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