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Literacy Volunteers To Celebrate 50 Years This Sunday

ONEONTA—Literacy Volunteers of Otsego and Delaware Counties will host an Open House on Sunday, September 22 to celebrate 50 years of service to the two counties and beyond. The event, open to the public, will take place at LVODC quarters at 31 Maple Street, Oneonta from 2-4 p.m.

According to a press release, the mission of LVODC is to change lives through literacy, with at least 3,000 adult students served since its founding in 1974.

“Each student is unique,” said Executive Director Jeanne Ellsworth. “We help them to achieve a variety of goals, from reading a simple story to their children or the instructions on a prescription bottle, to getting a driver’s license or a job, to passing the High School Equivalency or U.S. Citizenship exams. We welcome both native speakers and those for whom English is a new language. And we welcome new tutors, the lifeblood of our organization.”

According to officials, LVODC was founded by Dr. Roy Bartoo, a professor of education at SUNY Oneonta. It began as a program housed at the college, but soon expanded into the community. Offices have been in Sidney and Oneonta, where it has partnered with the Oneonta City School District’s Adult Education program, and where it is now established at the Rowe House at 31 Maple Street.

 “We invite the public to stop in on September 22 to learn more about our organization while enjoying refreshments and giveaways,” Ellsworth said. “We’ll be premiering a 15-mimute video that features students and tutors in action, and many of them will be there in person.”

For more information, go to, e-mail, call (607) 441-3093, or visit the Facebook page.


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