Locals: April 19, 2023 – All Otsego

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Locals: People and Businesses in the News, April 19, 2023

EAGER EAGLES: The Leatherstocking Council branch of the Boy Scouts of America awarded 45 of its scouts with the organization’s highest honor, Eagle Scout, for the 2022 calendar year. Members of the Eagle Scout Class logged an average of 190 hours of community service, either individually or as group leaders, to 45 nonprofit organizations across the BSA’s council. The scouts were honored at the Utica Maennerchor Hall in Marcy, New York on January 8. The Leatherstocking Council’s mission is to “provide character development programs and leadership skills training to families across Delaware, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Otsego, Schoharie, and parts of Lewis and Hamilton counties.” Pictured in the front row, from left to right: Kolgan Deforest, Chittenango; Stephen Copperwheat, New Hartford; Dylan Powers, Ilion; Jacob Eschenbach, New Hartford; Grady Grimm, Clark Mills; Paul Caruso, Utica; Logan Hosler, Clark Mills; Will Shamblen, Cazenovia. Second row: Christian Valentine, Laurens; Cole Narolis, Taberg; Matthew Bongiovanni, Chittenango; Sean Bednarczyk, Whitesboro; Robert Clemons, Trenton; Joshua Wentworth, Mohawk; Jenna Deep, Waterville. Back row: Jonathyn Langone, Rome; Jesse Jandreau, Waterville; John Musante, Clark Mills; Sydney Labayewski, Clinton; Frank Richer, Chittenango; Anthony Tisi, Clark Mills; Ashlie Willson, Clark Mills. (Photo by Jim Gemza)

CONDUCTOR FOR A DAY: Dan Buttermann was the winner of the Catskill Symphony Orchestra’s Guest Conductor Contest this year, edging out two worthy opponents—Greater Oneonta Historical Society Executive Director Dr. Marcela Micucci and Oneonta St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church Reverend Chris Welch. Buttermann led the final performance of the CSO’s popular fundraiser, “Le Cabaret,” on March 25 in SUNY Oneonta’s Dewar Arena. This year’s event raised nearly $44,000.00 for the CSO. (Photo courtesy of Otsego Media)

HONOR SOCIETY HONORS: Willow Tompkins of Worcester was one of 11 students recently inducted into the Elmira College circle, or chapter, of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The society recognizes achievement in scholarship; athletics; campus or community service, social and religious activities, campus government; journalism, speech, and the mass media; and the creative and performing arts. Emphasis is placed on the development of the whole person, both as a member of the college community and as a contribution to a better society.


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