Lost/Found Pets – All Otsego

Lost/Found Pets

Submit information about your lost or found pet at no charge by filling out and submitting the form at the bottom of this page.

We will post the details below and on the AllOtsego Facebook page until notified that the animal has been reunited with its family.

You should also post the information on the “Lost and Found Pets of Otsego County, NY” Facebook page, which is hosted by the Susquehanna Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Make It Easier To Find Your Lost Pet         

  • Make sure your dogs are wearing a valid license at all times and that your dogs and cats are microchipped.
  • Keep identification tags current.
  • If your pet has a microchip, keep your personal information up to date with the company that services the microchip.

If You Find a Lost Pet         

  • If you find a stray dog, please call your local dog control officer. According to New York State law, “The unauthorized possession of a dog or dogs, by any person not the true owner, for a period exceeding ten days, without notifying either the owner, the local police authorities, or the superintendent of the state police at Albany, New York, of such possession, shall be presumptive evidence of larceny.”
  • For more information, visit https://www.sqspca.org/get-help/.
  • If the animal has identification, you can also contact the owner directly. Identification comes in many forms—check the animal thoroughly for a tag or tattoo. You can bring an animal to most shelters and veterinary hospitals to scan them for a microchip, but you should call ahead.

If Your Pet Is Lost

  • Look for your pet right away. Check everywhere, especially places your pet has been before. Search your neighborhood during the day and at night.
  • Put signs around your neighborhood, in local stores and in veterinarians’ offices (where allowed) for a three-mile radius.
  • Tell your neighbors, neighborhood children, your postal carrier and other community members that your pet is missing.
  • Visit Petfinder.com to check listings of local shelters and rescue groups in your area. The website will post ads for your lost pet.
  • Keep searching. People sometimes find a pet and keep it for a while before taking it to a shelter or abandoning it on the street where they found it. Lost pets have been reunited with their families after long periods of time—don’t give up.


    Long-haired orange tabby cat, pictured above, missing in Schenevus since October 29. Responds to the name Ziggy. Friendly and will come to you if you have food. If you have any information, please call Sasha at (646) 441-8998.


    Dark gray cat, spayed female, missing in Richfield Springs since September 3. No collar. Short hair. Around 9 pounds. Call (607) 437-0516 with any information.