'Luckiest People' Belong
To Clark Sports Center
Former ACC Gymnasium Honored
With Chamber Quality Of Life Award

By JENNIFER HILL • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com

COOPERSTOWN – Jane Moyer has been exercising at the Clark Sports Center for 70 years, which may explain why she is still going strong at 99.
She is one of 36 nonagenarian members – after 90, membership’s free – and they may best exemplify why Otsego County Chamber of Commerce chose the Clark Sports Center its Quality of Life Award to be presented at its Summer Soiree Thursday, Aug. 22 – for the first time, at the Clark.
Funded by the Clark Foundation from its inception in 1891 to its renovation and expansion completed in 2017, the Clark Sports Center has, in the Chamber’s words, “significantly contributed to the quality of life in this area by providing amazing programs and opportunities for the local population to attain a healthier lifestyle.”
But for Moyer and the multiple generations of families, the Clark is part of family and community life, a place that has shaped lives, futures and connections between villagers and people living throughout the county.
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