Making Democracy Work Close to Home:
A Conversation with Local Officials

The League of Women Voters of the Cooperstown Area will sponsor an informal discussion with Chairman of the Otsego County Board of Representatives Dave Bliss and Town of Otsego Supervisor Ben Bauer on Monday, November 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clark Sports Center Community Room.
The two lawmakers will speak on the importance of running for office, delineating its challenges and rewards, and what compelled them to run for office and serve their friends and neighbors. This event is free and open to the public.
Bliss has represented District 7 since 2016 on the County Board of Representatives and, before that, served two years on the Middlefield Town Board and 24 years as town supervisor. Bauer grew up in Cooperstown but is a newcomer to local government service. He was elected to his post as Otsego Town Supervisor in November of 2021.
“Village elections are coming up in March and school board elections in May, and before we know it, it will be time for local elections in November 2023. Now is when people should start thinking about running for those stepping-stone offices,” said LWV of the Cooperstown Area Co-president Patty MacLeish. “These two speakers represent how the drive to become a public servant reaches different generations—one is an experienced elected official and the other is part of the upcoming generation. It should be an interesting and inspirational conversation.”
This event is free and open to anyone who may be interested in running for office or just learning how two individuals from local communities are making democracy work right here, right now.