Hungerford Steps Down
As Acting City Manager

ONEONTA – Meg Hungerford announced her resignation, effective May 31, from the position of acting city manager during an executive session at the end of last night’s Common Council meeting.
She said she will continue in her other position, as City Hall’s finance director.
“Meg has done an extraordinary job, often filling in for three people,” said Mayor Gary Herzig. “But it often required her to work nights and weekends, and it had a big impact on her family. I respect her decision to put her family first.”
Hungerford has served as acting city manager since July 2015, after the suspension and resignation of City Manager Martin Murphy. Previously, she had served in that role after the firing of the city’s first city manager, Mike Long, in May 2014.
In October, she took over Human Resources duties after Kathy Wolverton resigned. She has served as finance director since 2009, when the position was called city chamberlain.
Interviews are underway for the new HR director, but Herzig believes that no acting city manager will be named before the formal city manager search is conducted. “The council and I have talked, and most likely, there won’t be any action,” he said. “The city will function without a city manager for a time, as it had for many years before the charter.”