First Defendant
Receives 22 Years
In Worcester Death
By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to
COOPERSTOWN – Nicholas Meridy, who plead guilty to second-degree murder in the October 2019 death of Kenneth Robinson at his home in Worcester, was sentenced to 22 years to life in prison during a hearing in Otsego County Court this morning.
“I’m satisfied with it,” said District Attorney John Muehl. “After speaking with the family, that was the offer I made so we didn’t have to put them through a trial.”
Meridy was the first to plead in the case; three others, Dylan Robinson, the victim’s son, and Alex Borgreen, both 16, as well as Anais Soto, 17, are all awaiting trial. All three have been charged as adults.
According to Meridy, the group entered the home with the intent to steal drugs and money. Though he carried a weapon, Meridy told Lambert that he left his weapon outside and was not in the residence when the fatal shot was fired.
By the looks of his face, Moe might have gotten a few good punches in!
We can be sure Kenny didn’t go down easily. I hope those mark hurt like hell….22 years…as far as I’m concerned…is not enough! I also pray that justice will be served…and all involved get at least 22 to life….it won’t bring Kenny back to those of us who loved him…but those animals can’t hurt anyone else!!