In Memoriam
Michael A. Bettiol
June 6, 1957 - August 8, 2021

Michael A. Bettiol, 64, of Binghamton, NY, and originally from Oneonta, NY, passed away peacefully at Wilson Memorial Hospital in Johnson City, NY, on Sunday, August 8, 2021, due to unexpected complications from a very courageous, 5 year battle with metastatic colon cancer.
Mike was born in Sidney, NY on June 6, 1957, moving to Oneonta, NY at an early age.
He graduated from Oneonta High School, Class of 1975.
He worked at Custom Electronics and Medi-Coach in Oneonta before starting his dream job as a locomotive engineer with several northeast railroads.
Mike had a lifelong love of railroads, and was a founding member of the Leatherstocking Railway Historical Society in 1982, and served in several positions, including the organization’s 2nd president. Mike was also a local representative to the National Railway Historical Society, and served in several posts at the National level. He traveled extensively across America, most notably with good friends Millie & Bruce Hodges, in pursuit of new railroad adventures, and was an avid photographer of all things railroad.
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