Minimum Wage, Broadband Hot Topics At State Of The State Breakfast – All Otsego

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Minimum Wage, Heroin Among

State Of State’ Breakfast Topics

kristen oehl

jim sewardHartwick College’s internship director Kirsten Oehl, top photo, thanked state Rep. Pete Lopez, R-Schoharie, the congressional candidate, on his support of “experiential learning.”  “The gauntlet has been thrown,” she said.   She was speaking at this morning’s annual State of the State Breakfast, hosted by the Otsego Chamber of Commerce at The Otesaga.  At right, state Sen. James Seward, R-Milford, speaks on importance of high speed broadband internet for the county and the ramifications for a 71 percent phased-in increase in the minimum wage.  He also announced he is arranging for the state Senate Task Force on Opioids Addictions to hold another hearing on the problem in the county this spring.   “We need to talk about local initiatives and what we can do to solve this heroin problem.” (Ian Austin/AllOTSEGO.COM)


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