3 Sports Teams Held
Parties That Started
Outbreak, Morris Says
SUNY Leader Expects 'Ramp Up' In Cases

By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com
ONEONTA – With 2,000 COVID-19 tests administered Sunday and today, SUNY Oneonta President Barbara Jean Morris warned the Oneonta Control Room to prepare for a "ramp-up" of positive tests during their first meeting over Zoom this evening.
"Obviously this came on fast and hard," she said. "We had a super-spreader event last weekend with three athletic teams who invited first-year students to a party, then those students came back to campus."
At present, 177 SUNY students have tested positive for the virus, prompting Chancellor Jim Malatras Sunday to close the campus for two weeks; 600 students were tested between Friday and Saturday, when tests were brought to campus.
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