Need help with child care? Find help at the Barnyard Swing – All Otsego

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Need help with child care?
Find help at the Barnyard Swing

Local child care providers will get together at The Barnyard Swing in Hartwick Seminary on Saturday, May 21, to let area families know more about the services they provide, and enjoy a day of talking and meeting about their profession.

The ‘Spring Swing Child Care Professionals Appreciation Celebration’ — an idea that arose from a discussion at a winter women’s group meeting with the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce — takes place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. An Otsego County Community Events grant helps cover the expense of hosting the event.

“One of the topics at our meeting was the absolute lack of affordable child care in Otsego County. Our area has been deemed a ‘child care desert’,” said Marcy Birch, owner of The Barnyard Swing. “The idea to have this event percolated out of those sessions.”

“A lot of the older women in the group remembered when they were raising their children, there were plenty of family-run day care opportunities right in their neighborhoods,” Ms. Birch said. “They just aren’t available anymore, and it’s difficult for these young families.”

Any current childcare provider in Otsego County, whether center or home-based, is welcome. “They can set up a table and talk about their programs, and parents can meet all of these providers here,” Ms. Birch said.

“Catholic Charities will be at the event for anyone in our county who may want to learn about starting their own family-based child care program,” she said. “They will provide useful information for parents and potential child care providers, and let them know of any available grant funding.”

All families are welcome to come to this free event. Mini golf, build-a-teddy bear, and teddy bear ice cream sundaes are free for the kids.


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