New Docks Open At Lakefront Park – All Otsego

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New Docks Open

At Lakefront Park

Emma Baldwin, left, and Rebecca Ward, visiting from Iuka, Miss., and, behind them, Kim Brandise of Cooperstown, on her lunch break, try out the just-complete floating docks off Lakefront Park.  (Jim Kevlin/
Emma Baldwin, left, and Rebecca Ward, visiting from Iuka, Miss., and, behind them, Kim Brandise of Cooperstown, on her lunch break, try out the just-complete floating docks off Lakefront Park. (Jim Kevlin/

COOPERSTOWN – The new floating docks at the village’s Lakefront Park, under consideration since the Flood of 2011 damaged the traditional fixed docs, are complete, and Village Clerk Teri Barown reports slip renters may begin parking their boats there as soon as they wish.

The docks cost $120,000, but Village Trustee Ellen Tillapaugh, who chairs the Parks Committee, said the rates – now $500 a season for village residents; $1,000 for non-residents – were raised $50 to cover the expense.  “Our rates are still the best on the lake,” said the trustee.

The 2011 flood not only damaged the fixed docks, but some of the boats moored there.  It’s hoped the floating docks will prevent that from happening again –plus, the 10-foot-wide slips are larger and better accommodate the larger crafts that boaters are buying these days, said Tillapaugh.

This project replaced the east docks, closest to the Lakefront Motel.  The west docks remain as they were, but may be replaced in the future project.



  1. hmmm The Glimmerglass…a Beautiful Lake to Water Ski…hmmm 500 dollars..Same Story! Keep You Tips UP! I wonder if there are any slips available..searched for the Cooperstown Parks Committee but I didn’t find any eureka moment! Is there an application process with a link I request! Rob.

  2. My husband and I had a slip on Otsego Lake years back and we went boating every summer for about 10 years. We would like to put in for a slip again, but I am having difficulty finding contact information. Can you please help direct my inquiry? I would appreciate the opportunity to be on this spectacular lake once again.
    Thank you for your help.
    Deborah Araujo

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