Newcomer Seeks
County Rep Seat
In Clark’s District
If Former Chair Doesn’t Retire,
She May Face Primary In June
By JIM KEVLIN • Special to

Ric Brockway of Laurens, former teacher, ferrier and writer of a popular outdoor column, is running for the Republican nomination in District 3 (Laurens and Otego).
He would face county Rep. Kathy Clark, the former board chairman, unless she retires. She did not return a call this afternoon as to her intentions.
“His family has been involved in the Town of Laurens and in the county for 40-something years, “ said Vince Casale, the county Republican chairman. “He’s a farmer and a former teacher,” and his name is well-known through his column in the Daily Star.
His wife, Patricia, the Laurens town supervisor, is not planning to run again this year, Casale said.
Because a new state law has moved New York’s primary from September to June 25, to coincide with the federal primary, candidates are surfacing much earlier than in years past. Petitions to get on the ballot are due at the county Board of Elections by April 4.