News Briefs: May 11, 2023 – All Otsego

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News Briefs: May 11, 2023

Museum Opens Memorial Weekend

CHERRY VALLEY—The Cherry Valley Museum, which houses the Campbell Clock made in 1728 and a number of fascinating exhibits, will open for the season on Memorial Day Weekend. The museum is located at 49 Main Street.

Plant Sale Will Be Held on May 20

WEST WINFIELD—The Upper Unadilla Valley Association will hold its annual plant sale from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Town of Winfield Park on May 20. The sale will feature locally-grown perennials donated by local gardeners and sold for $3 to $5 per pot. Coffee and donuts will also be available for purchase. A 50-50 duck derby will be held at 11:30. Tickets cost $3 per duck or $5 for two. UUVA is a non-profit organization that has worked for 53 years to preserve, protect, and call attention to the Upper Unadilla Valley’s natural and historic resources. The plant sale helps fund annual events, including a Mount Markham High School scholarship, a summer area tour and a fall banquet.

Rotary To Hold Spring Fundraiser

COOPERSTOWN—Rotary Club of Cooperstown will hold its inaugural Vintage Treasures Yard Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 13 at the Christ Church Parish Hall on Fair Street. Rotarians are searching homes for fine vintage treasures for this new spring fund-raiser. The sale will feature art and collectibles, furniture, clothing, jewelry, household items and much more. No early birds will be admitted before the start time.

Hartwick Clean Sweep Is May 20

HARTWICK—Hartwick’s 15th annual Clean Sweep will take place at the Town Hall, 103 Town Drive, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. It will coincide with the third annual Hartwick Appreciation Day, which will feature a community-wide yard sale and business tours and sales. Clean Sweep will allow town residents to dispose of household furniture, yard trash and scrap metal. Families may drop off their refuse at the Town Hall free of charge, or may arrange for a team of volunteers to pick up items at their homes for a fee of $30. Contact Town Clerk Andrea Vasquez at (607) 386-9769 or to arrange a pickup. Community members are asked to consider volunteering and may contact Vasquez to sign up. The town has also asked for donations to the community yard sale, which will help offset the expenses of Clean Sweep. Televisions and other electronics will be accepted and will be charged according to the Otsego County electronics disposal schedule. Mattresses and box springs can be disposed for a charge of $35. Plant waste, such as lawn clippings and tree branches less than four feet in length, may be dropped at Wells Avenue on Hatchery Road free of charge. Up to six passenger tires may be disposed free of charge, with a small fee for each additional tire. There will be a $30 fee for appliances that contain Freon or other coolants, such as refrigerators and air conditioners. No hazardous waste, household garbage or glass items will be accepted. For more information, contact Bruce Markusen at (607) 547-8070 or

Benton Secures Dem Endorsement

COOPERSTOWN—Former Otsego County Deputy Elections Commissioner and Cooperstown Trustee MacGuire Benton announced that the Otsego County Democratic Committee formally endorsed his candidacy for county clerk on April 27. “I want to thank the Otsego County Democrats for their endorsement and their support,” Benton said. “I’m focused on the work we have ahead of us. The days of paying a lot and getting a little are coming to a close. I hear the same thing all the time when I’m out knocking on doors and meeting with residents. Why doesn’t Otsego County benefit from the kind of access and services other counties do? We are united in this mission to offer Otsego County a better deal. I’m running for county clerk to restore services, enhance customer satisfaction, speed up document and transaction processing, and to prioritize convenience and access for all of our residents. The time for a new generation of leadership is now.”

OFO Plans Oneonta Spring Carnival

ONEONTA—Head Start, Early Head Start and Opportunities for Otsego will host a spring carnival for young children and their families on May 20 from 10 a.m. to noon. The carnival will feature games and activities, face painting, balloons with BJ the Clown, a car seat safety check, other child safety information, and free treats from Starbucks and Chobani. It will be held rain or shine at the 6th Ward Booster Club Field at 7 Scramling Avenue in Oneonta.

Pride Idol Contest New This Year

ONEONTA—Otsego Pride Alliance announced that Pridefest will open with a “Pride Idol” singing competition on June 1. Contestants may enter online by submitting a video or may compete in person at Wise Guys Sammys, 261-267 Main Street, at 8 p.m. on June 1. Three finalists will receive a prize package and perform live at the festival. The final winner, selected by popular acclaim at the performance, will perform an encore and sing the national anthem at the Oneonta Outlaws’ Pride Night game. All contestants must be at least 18 years old by June 1. For more information or to enter, visit

Chamber to Hold Awards Banquet

ONEONTA—The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Spring Awards Dinner in the SUNY Oneonta Alumni Field House at 5:30 p.m. on May 24. The banquet will celebrate five award winners: Geoffrey Doyle, receiving the Eugene Bettiol Distinguished Citizen Award; Casella Waste Systems, receiving Business of the Year; Creekside Industries, receiving Breakthrough Business of the Year; Connie Herzig, Volunteer of the Year; and Dan Buttermann, Leadership Otsego Distinguished Alumni Award. For more information or tickets, visit


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