News Briefs: September 14, 2023 – All Otsego

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News Briefs: September 14, 2023

Student Charged with Arson

RICHFIELD SPRINGS—New York State Police were called to assist the Richfield Fire Department with a fire in a second-floor bathroom at Richfield Springs Central School at about 3 p.m. on Thursday, September 7. Investigation revealed that a 15-year-old male intentionally lit a soap dispenser on fire, causing minor property damage; no injuries were reported. The juvenile was arrested and charged with the class B felony of second-degree arson.

Orpheus Announces Auditions

ONEONTA—Orpheus Theatre announced that it will hold open auditions for its winter production of “The Sound of Music” at 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, September 15 and 16. All ages are welcome. Attendees will be asked to sing a pre-selected section of “My Favorite Things” as their vocal audition and will be expected to perform a brief dance audition. Movement-appropriate clothing and footwear are strongly recommended. Callbacks will be made on Sunday, September 17, and rehearsals start on Monday, September 25. The show will be performed December 8-10. Audition and callback materials are available at

Rental Law Program Offered

COOPERSTOWN—The Otsego County Courthouse, 197 Main Street in Cooperstown, will host a “Lawyer in the Library” event to educate the public about rental law at 3 p.m. on Thursday, September 21. Three local attorneys will speak about the basics of eviction and the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants. The program is free and open to the public; no registration is required. For more information, contact (607) 240-4310 or “Lawyer in the Library” is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice, and does not create any attorney-client relationship between presenters and attendees.

Farm Will Host Fall Events

WEST EDMESTON—Unadilla Community Farm, a non-profit farm education center in West Edmeston, recently announced three upcoming events. A community volunteer garlic planting day will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 16. Volunteers will learn how to prepare bulbs and soil for the annual fall planting, as well as how to build and use a dibbler wheel. The event is free. A garlic cleaning workshop will take place at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 30. Participants will help prepare fresh garlic for donation to local food pantries and will receive a pint as part of the free event. A more in-depth event featuring a full farm tour will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 14. Participants will spend two hours walking through the food forest, learning about building projects, and asking questions about agroforestry, permaculture design, eco-construction, and more. Admission for this event is on a sliding scale starting at $10.00. The farm is located at 5937 County Highway 18. To RSVP for an event, visit For more information, contact

SHHS Announces Walk-a-Thon

ONEONTA—Super Heroes Humane Society announced that it will hold a doggie walk-a-thon fundraiser in Fortin Park on Sunday, October 1. Registration begins at 1 p.m. There is a $10.00 entry fee and proof of rabies vaccination is required. The walk will be an easy one-mile loop for participating people and their dogs. It begins at the Large Hanger, 101 Youngs Road. The fundraiser will also feature prizes, raffle baskets, vendors and food trucks. There are still spaces available for craft, artisan and market vendors; contact the Humane Society to sign up or for more information.

VFD Auxiliary To Hold Sale

SCHUYLER LAKE—The Schuyler Lake Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary will hold a lawn and craft sale fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 30 at the Schuyler Lake Fireman’s Field. Vendor spaces are $20.00; send a check to PO Box 112, Schuyler Lake 13457 to register. The auxiliary welcomes donations to the sale; contact Roberta Steere on Facebook to arrange pickup. All proceeds support the volunteer organization.

Suicide Prevention Walk Set

ONEONTA—The Out of the Darkness Community Walk for suicide prevention will be held at the 6th Ward Booster Club on Saturday, September 16 at 9 a.m. According to a release, the journey of remembrance, hope, and support will unite the community and provide an opportunity to acknowledge the impact of mental health conditions and suicide. The event will also feature a chicken barbecue lunch, a basket raffle, local organizations and a bead ceremony. All proceeds will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

OFA To Offer Tai Chi Classes

OTSEGO COUNTY—Otsego County Office for the Aging will offer eight-week tai chi for arthritis classes at three locations beginning in September. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese practice that incorporates slow, deliberate movement and deep breathing to promote mindfulness, strength and flexibility. Medical studies indicate that it can help reduce pain and increase mobility in arthritis patients and prevent falls in older adults. Seniors age 60 and over are welcome to attend the free sessions; donations are welcome. One class will be held at the First Presbyterian Church, 156 Main Street in Unadilla, from 9-10 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays beginning on Monday, September 18. Another will be located at the new Gathering Place 50+ Community Center, 5506 State Route 7 in Oneonta. It will take place from 10-11 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays beginning Wednesday, September 20. A third series will be held at the Clark Sports Center on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. beginning Monday, September 25. Registration in advance is required, as is a commitment to attend at least 11 of the 16 sessions. Contact OFA at (607) 547-4232 to reserve a spot. Communities wishing to host a future tai chi for arthritis class may also contact the OFA to coordinate. The program is made possible by the New York State Department of Health Older Adult Fall Prevention Program and is supported by Title III D of the Older Americans Act.

Library To Host Paint and Sip

ONEONTA—Huntington Memorial Library will host an evening of painting and mocktails with Andra from Art N Alcohol at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26. Andra will guide participants to paint a depiction of fall pumpkins. Attendees should wear clothing they don’t mind getting paint on. Registration is required and opens on Tuesday, September 12; visit to sign up.

Choir Opens Fall Enrollment

COOPERSTOWN—Following successful debut performances at Lakefront Park and the Village Hall this summer, the Cooperstown Children’s Choir has announced open enrollment for its autumn session. Children ages 7-12 are welcome; the participation fee is $110.00. Rehearsals will take place every Friday from 3-4 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 21 Elm Street, from September 15 through November 3. Participants will learn classic rock and pop songs along with a few holiday selections and will be encouraged to help choreograph songs. There will also be opportunities for children to sing solos and play percussion instruments. The program will end with two or three public performances. For more information, visit or call Dana LaCroix at (607) 304-1359.


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