(Photo provided)
News from the Heart of Otsego by Darla M. Youngs
Hartwick Holiday Activities, a New Firefighter and a Wedding
With Christmas just four short weeks away, there are several holiday-themed events planned in our hamlet in the coming days. On Saturday, December 2, the Hartwick American Legion Post 1567 Ladies Auxiliary will host its annual Drive-thru Santa Gift Give-a-Way from 1-3 p.m. at the Legion. There will be gifts available for infants and children through 10 years of age. Those planning to drive through are asked to enter Back Alley Road off County Route 11, next to the Freight Wheel Café, and exit onto State Route 205.
That same day, Creek Side Station will hold its Holiday Artisan Pop Up Shop from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 3193 State Route 205. That event will feature many new local vendors, a food truck and holiday festivities—something for everyone. And coming up on New Year’s Eve, December 31, don’t miss the town fireworks and bonfire, with hot dogs and S’mores, beginning at 5 p.m.
Holiday décor aficionados throughout the Town of Hartwick are invited to take part in the Hartwick Historical Society’s annual Christmas Decoration Contest for a chance to win cash prizes and bragging rights. The deadline to enter is December 15: Categories include Best Historical, Best Business/Commercial, Best Nighttime and Best Daytime. Call Caren Kelsey at (607) 293-7530 to learn more and to enter.
The community has suffered great losses over the last month or so, including Julianne Sharratt and Elinore Sorbera. Deepest condolences to their families and friends.
The Hartwick Food Pantry is seeking reliable volunteers who can commit to a pair of two-hour shifts each month, to sign people in and assist them in their grocery selection. Those interested should call Gina at (607) 293-7331.
In October, Hartwick Fire Department Co. #1 welcomed its newest interior firefighter. According to New York State, those qualified to operate as Interior Structural firefighters have studied “firefighter personal protective equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus use, survival techniques, modern fire control methods, building fire search and victim removal techniques, forcible entry techniques, hose line advancement, and theory and technique for a wide variety of fire types.” Congratulations, David Sellick!
Did you know the Kinney Memorial Library has a knitting/crocheting group? I didn’t! There are two crochet clubs, actually—the crochet club for kids meets next on Saturday, December 2 at 3 p.m. and adult members gather the following Saturday, December 9, at 2 p.m. Other upcoming events at the library include 10:30 a.m. story time on Wednesdays, December 6, 13, 20, and 27, and book club at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 20. For more information about programs at the library, call (607) 293-6600.
Better late than never … Shanette Couse, the daughter of Paula and Walter Wart, married Bill Triolo on Saturday, August 26 on the Wart property, surrounded by family and friends. Following the ceremony, the reception took place at Creek Side Station. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Triolo!
Word on the street is that Bryan LoRusso is going to be purchasing the former Hartwick school building. Judging from the positive feedback on the Hartwickians Facebook page, community members are excited to see new life breathed into the building, which has sat unused and empty for years.
Speaking of Bryan LoRusso, he and Thomas Murphy prevailed in the recent election for two Hartwick Council Member seats, earning 315 and 290 votes, respectively, to defeat Jason Blaske and Pat Ryan. Current Town of Hartwick Clerk Andrea Vazquez ran unopposed, retaining her seat, while incumbent Town Supervisor Robert O’Brien maintained his position, beating challenger Dylan Arnot. Hats off to our public officials as well as all those willing to put themselves out there to run for office.
Finally, a happy birthday shout-out to Chris Dennis and John Darcy Youngs, who have both celebrated their birth anniversaries since the last column published. Happy day, happy year, happy always, guys!
Darla M. Youngs is a resident of the hamlet of Hartwick, a bit of a hermit, and general manager and senior editor of Iron String Press. Those wishing to contribute can send information and photos to darlay@allotsego.com.