News from the Noteworthy: Examining the ‘Good Death,’ End-of-Life Needs – All Otsego

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News from the Noteworthy from Helios Care

Examining the ‘Good Death,’ End-of-Life Needs

What does it mean to have “a good death?” This isn’t a question many of us proactively ask ourselves. In fact, most people don’t really like to talk about endings, let alone dying. As a culture, we are often uncomfortable using the words “dying” or “died,” often substituting phrases like “passed away” or “lost.” So it makes sense that reflecting on what we and our loved ones need during our last days can feel daunting.

The good news is, knowing what it takes to support people who are dying and those who care for them isn’t rocket science. It’s pretty simple, actually, and comes down to this: taking a holistic, compassionate approach while recognizing that each person’s journey is unique. Fortunately, hospice providers like Helios Care are dedicated to supporting caregivers and patients in a way that aligns with their values and preferences.

So let’s take a closer look at this “good death” concept. Research shows that—for the dying and caregivers alike—holistic care consists of meeting five related needs. The first three center on the person who’s dying, and the last two apply equally to their caregivers.

First and foremost, holistic care at end of life starts with making sure people are as comfortable as possible. In other words, the better job we do at managing pain, the easier it is for people and their families to spend quality time together at end of life. Hospice medical and nursing staff specialize in this type of care, no matter the type of illness or condition involved.

Second, during their final months and weeks, people overwhelmingly want to be in a place that’s meaningful for them. Yet as anyone who’s cared for a dying loved one knows, being at home during this time really does “take a village.” This is where hospice home health aides, social workers and volunteers really shine.

Whether someone has six months or six days to live, time and again they report the healing value of connection. That’s the third aspect of holistic care: having active relationships with the people who are most important in one’s life. From help with tasks of daily living, to connecting families with local services, to providing companionship and respite for caregivers, our team takes pride in “meeting people where they’re at.”

When it comes to meaning, closure and feelings of acceptance—the fourth end-of-life need—our chaplains rise to the occasion. Spiritual care at end of life helps people gain gentle clarity about their beliefs and preparedness for dying. For caregivers, social workers hold space for conversations about anticipatory grief and the challenges of caregiving, and bereavement counselors provide one-on-one counseling and host grief support groups to help folks find their path forward in the face of loss.

What does all this holistic support add up to? Well, it helps give people the bandwidth to be with one another during what’s arguably one of the most profound periods of being human.

All people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, especially when they are dying and grieving. As hospice providers, the entire Helios Care team has a humble understanding of what a privilege it is to care for our community in these ways.

And finally, speaking of supporting the local community, our team will be hosting another Caregiver Support Group in Oneonta this fall. So be on the lookout for details on our website and in local media! We look forward to being there for you.

Dan Ayres is president and chief executive officer of Helios Care.


1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing an informative article. But don’t forget about End of Life Doulas or Death Doulas. We are a valuable part of the end of life team also. As patient advocates, we can work along side a hospice organization to coordinate with the family about the customized plan that they might want. Would they like to plan a celebration of life event? Do they need help communicating and navigating the healthcare system? Do they want to create a legacy plan or album to share with family members? Would they want vigil services, particularly if family members aren’t close by? While hospice care provides superb quality medical care for dying people, an End of Life Doula can be the supplemental source of assistance to the patient and their family that makes the emotional transition as smooth and peaceful as possible.

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