No Tax Hike Foreseen
In Proposed 2019 Budget
Public Hearing At 6 p.m. Today In City Hall
By JENNIFER HILL • Special to
ONEONTA – The public hearing on the City of Oneonta’s proposed 2019 budget is at 6 p.m. this evening in Council Chambers,and Mayor Gary Herzig promises some good news.
“I am very pleased there will be no increase property taxes,” he said, “despite increasing costs in other areas, such as personnel.”
The proposed 2019 general operating budget is $15,870,122. Adding in the funds for water, sewer, and Oneonta Public Transit (OPT), the total estimated budget is $$22.9 million.
More good budget news is there will be restored funding YMCA’s summer youth program, so that children from low-income households can enroll in a full-day of activities next summer. This past year, the YMCA was forced to offer only a half-day of summer activities for low-income youth due to cuts in funding.
The 2019 budget includes a proposed 10% increase in water rates and a 5% increase in sewer rates. Mayor Herzig said, “These increases in rates are investments in our future infrastructure. If we don’t continue to aggressively replace aging pipes and valves – some of which are 100 years old – we will cripple out ability to grow.”