'Nurses' Hopeful Eyes'
Grip COVID-19 Patient
Delhi Artist Recalls Narrow Escape

From Bassett News Service
COOPERSTOWN – This fall, Horace “Glenn” Lee, who spent weeks in Bassett Hospital’s intensive care unit last spring fighting COVID-19, returned to the ICU to thank the doctors and nurses who saved his life.
“I was in the hospital for 37 days total, three weeks in Cooperstown’s ICU and two weeks in rehabilitation at O’ Connor Hospital in Delhi,” said Lee, a 69-year-old contemporary American artist from Delhi who was admitted to Bassett on April 1. “There is much I don’t remember after my admission, but one thing that struck me as I regained consciousness and slowly recovered was the passage of time. I saw rain, snow, sunshine and trees budding; it was like a whole season of life that passed before my eyes through the hospital windows.”
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