NYSERDA Audit Program Helps
Reduce Farmers’ Energy Bills
Implemented by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority since 2016, the Agricultural Energy Audit Program provides farms and on-farm producers with no-cost energy audits, including recommendations to improve energy efficiency. The program also helps participants access funding support to implement energy efficiency measures.
New York farms can choose from two audits based on their needs. The “Level Comprehensive” audit is focused on a specific complex energy system or renewable energy production. This analysis is ideal for operations with a complex system to be analyzed beyond standard energy efficiency upgrades, or if the farm is interested in pursuing renewable energy, with calculated evaluations of appropriate energy efficiency measures including simple payback. The “Level Targeted” audit focuses on specific systems, energy efficiency measures or renewable energy.
This first-come, first-served program is open through September 2025 or until program funds expire. To learn more, e-mail aeep@nyserda.ny.gov or visit nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/agriculture-energy-audit.