OFA Senior Resource Fair Set for October 1
ONEONTA—Otsego County Office for the Aging will sponsor its annual Senior Resource Fair at Southside Mall on Tuesday, October 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Immediately following the resource fair, there will be a public hearing in the mall Community Room, where citizens will have an opportunity to share ideas, concerns and recommendations to make Otsego County an age-friendly community.
OFA hosts this event each year to showcase the many services for seniors provided by local businesses and organizations. Topics will include housing options, Alzheimer’s and dementia, caregiver resources, recreation and fitness, health insurance plans, home care options, hospice and palliative care, health screenings, and energy saving programs.
Both the resource fair and public hearing are free and open to the public. According to organizers, those unable to attend the public hearing may contact OFA to provide comments and feedback by calling (607) 547-4232, e-mailing aginginfo@otsegocounty.com or visiting the office at 140 County Highway 33W, Suite 5, Cooperstown.