OFO Releases Updated Needs Assessment – All Otsego

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OFO Releases Updated Needs Assessment

ONEONTA—The Board of Directors at Opportunities for Otsego approved a motion to accept the 2023 Otsego County Community Needs Assessment at its September meeting. This is the fourth comprehensive report developed by the agency since 2011.

Community Services Block Grant, one of Opportunities for Otsego’s core funding sources, requires organizations to conduct a needs assessment every three years. The report analyzes key issues in Otsego County, including population trends, demographics, and poverty as it relates to employment, education, housing, nutrition, income, transportation, health, wellness, and safety.

Findings from this assessment guide agency planning and help formulate outcome-based strategies to address the causes and conditions of poverty in Otego County. Over the years, Opportunities for Otsego’s Community Needs Assessment has become a valuable research and planning tool for organizations, businesses, and local government.

“Going forward, Opportunities for Otsego Inc. plans to update this document on an annual basis as opposed to every three years,” said Dan Maskin, chief executive officer. “Data changes rapidly and it is part of Opportunities for Otsego’s mission to keep the community as informed as possible about the issues facing poor individuals and families in Otsego County.”

OFO’s mission is to be the leader in developing innovative solutions that promote healthy lives, thriving families, and caring communities. The agency strives to alleviate poverty and fosters self-sufficiency through comprehensive and holistic client-centered services. An electronic version of the needs assessment is available for download from the Opportunities for Otsego website, www.ofoinc.org/press-room.


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