OLT Project Underway – All Otsego

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(Photo by WilliamJayMiller.com)

OLT Project Underway

COOPERSTOWN—Site work is progressing at the Brookwood Point Conservation Area on Otsego Lake (at left), where Otsego Land Trust is installing a new walking trail and paddling launch on the north side of the property. According to OLT officials, the improvements will enhance public access and enjoyment of the 22-acre property and provide safer and easier access for people of all ages and abilities to canoe, kayak or row on the lake. The project is supported by private donations and by a matching grant from the Department of Environmental Conservation through the New York State Conservation Partnership Program with the Land Trust Alliance. Delta Engineers and Architects of Endicott designed the improvements with a raised boardwalk to protect the wetlands along the lake. Williams Excavating and Electric of Schenevus is the primary contractor. The work will be completed this fall with a formal dedication in the spring of 2025, according to OLT Executive Director Gregory Farmer.


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