Ommegang CEO Campbell Briefs Lieutenant Governor – All Otsego

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Ommegang CEO Campbell

Briefs Lieutenant Governor

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul discusses Ommegang's plans and products with brewery President Doug Campbell during a noontime stop at the Town of Middlefield plant this morning, part of an Upstate swings that would take her to Buffalo by day's end. At left is Phil Leinhart, Ommegang's internationally recognized brewer. Campbell gave Hochul a tour of the brewing and bottling operation, including a discussing of the new malt house, ending up in the gift shop. (Jim Kevlin/
Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul discusses Ommegang’s plans and products with brewery President Doug Campbell, center, during a noontime stop at the Town of Middlefield plant today.  Hochul was on an Upstate swing that would take her to Buffalo by day’s end. At left is Phil Leinhart, Ommegang’s internationally recognized brewer. Campbell gave Hochul a tour of the brewing and bottling operations, including discussing of the new malt house, and ended up in the gift shop. (Jim Kevlin/


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