On Stage: Performing Arts at Our Oneonta Campuses
by Rachel Frick Cardelle
‘Importance of Being Earnest’ Questions Conventions with Humor
When I heard that the next play to be presented at Hartwick College is “The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People,” by Oscar Wilde and first performed in 1895 in London, England, I could not wipe the smile off my face. I got to know this play when I was in grade school in the mid-70s. My friends and I were playing hide-and-seek on the local college campus and I hid in the theater, where it turned out students were practicing for their production of “Earnest.” I quickly became engrossed and stayed* for several hours to watch what I thought was the funniest thing I had ever seen. In the 50 years since, I have not changed my opinion much on that.
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