Oneonta Financial Advisers
Among 3 Teams Barron’s Cites

ONEONTA – On its front page this week, Barron’s is featuring the Morgan McReynolds’ Group, the financial advisers on outer Chestnut Street, as one of “three of the best teams in the industry.”
In a profile of Erna Morgan McReynolds’ team, Barron’s reports, “A passion for client service has helped the six-person group to thrive: The team manages nearly $600 million, even though it’s based in Oneonta (population 14,000) in rural Upstate New York. Morgan McReynolds and her colleagues serve more than 1,000 clients, who have an average account size of $572,000.”
The article quotes McReynolds, “The bulk of our clients are people who have worked hard and saved their money.”
The three featured advisory teams were chosen from Barron’s annual “Top 1,200 Financial Advisors” list, which the magazine publishes each February. Erna’s team has been on that list for years.