Oneonta Raids
Recover Heroin,

3 No-Knock Warrants Result
In 2 Arrests, One Just For Pot
Special to

ONEONTA – Oneonta police served three no-knock search warrants at three apartments just before sunup today, arresting two men after a six-month interagency investigation of heroin and crack-cocaine sales in the City of the Hills.
At 6 a.m., 30 officers and K9s from the OPD, a Joint Otsego/Delaware Special Operations Bureau, and state police surprised occupants of Apartment B, 38 West St., and Apartments 207 and 306, 9 Lewis Ave.
Two arrests were made, and an OPD press release provided these particulars:
- At 38 West St., Terrell W. Ford, 34, Wilson, N.C., was charged with two counts, criminal possession of a controlled substance, third degree, a felony. Two ounces of crack cocaine, 23 glassine bags of heroin worth more than $11,000 street value, and $383 in cash were seized there.
- At 9 Lewis Ave., Apartment 307, Damien H. Ortiz, 25, Queens, was charged with the same two counts. A small amount of marijuana and more than $11,000 in cash was seized there.

No contraband was found at Apartment 306.
Both men were held pending arraignment in the City of Oneonta Court on a DA recommended $50,000 cash bail.
The maximum sentence is up to 25 years for a person convicted of a class B Felony