Oneonta Woman
In Critical Condition
After Lettis Accident

By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to
ONEONTA – An Oneonta woman is in critical condition at Fox Hospital after she was struck by a car on the Lettis Highway earlier this evening.
According to Police Chief Doug Brenner, an Oneonta woman was walking with a friend when she allegedly crossed the James F. Lettis Highway approximately 100 yards from the intersection of Main Street.
“The area is not marked for pedestrians and it is dimly lit,” said Brenner.
While crossing, she was allegedly struck by a car driven by an adult male from Otego who was driving northbound on the highway. “As he was changing lanes, she just appeared,” said Brenner. “He couldn’t stop in time.”
The driver allegedly struck her with the front passenger side of his car and immediately stopped and got out of the car. Her friend called 911, and Oneonta Police responded to the scene at 7:45 p.m. “She was lying in the road, very seriously injured,” he said. “The fire fighters got her right into an ambulance and to Fox Hospital.”
According to Brenner, she was in critical condition. Her name is being withheld, pending family notification.
Preliminary investigation revealed that the driver was not impaired. However, Brenner said, he was issued a ticket for aggravated unlicensed operation as his license was suspended for unrelated offenses.
The New York State police assisted the Oneonta police and fire departments on the scene, and the investigation is ongoing. The road was re-opened at 10:18 p.m.
Who was the unlicensed driver
Why does he get a tkt.?..doesn’t sound like he did anything wrong?? It may have just as much as her not looking or paying attention.We had a girl crossing the road by Stuart’s….and ran into us as we were approaching the light..going slow thank god…ran into us …not us running into her..but she was clueless as she was texting…but if someth happened to her ..WE WOULD HAVE. FELT BAD first of all
But would have been the one w tkts…
Darlene, did you not read? He HIT someone and was UNLICENSED. Yeah he is going to get a ticket. He was driving without a license which is NOT legal. Duh
He should be held responsible for his actions he didn’t have a license so technically if he wasn’t driving she would have been hitI think he should be charged for involuntary manslaughter if something happens
Prayers for all involved
People fail to realize how mindless pedestrians are while walking around here in oneonta. So many times I see people walking out in front of cars all over town with the mindset “they’ll slow down” or “ I have the right away”. People need to be proactive with their own safety while walking especially in the dark. This could have very well been The victims fault and now people who don’t know what actually happened want this guy to be charged with manslaughter as if he isn’t going to walk around with the guilt of what happened which could have been a freak accident.
I posted a comment earlier – the state is part responsible for not having the lights on in the south side area. It is very dark in that area. I had contacted the town of Oneonta and was told the state controls the lights in that area.
Shelly the driver didn’t have a valid driver’s license. So if he wasn’t driving like the law states , maybe the victim wouldn’t of been hit from his car going 50mph.
Dave maybe if the pedestrian had used the crosswalk where it’s safe to cross during a red light she would be fine. But the article states he was changing lanes and from what I understand in a poorly lit area when she was struck. Get what I’m clearly she made poor choices too. You don’t cross in the middle of a busy highway when it’s dark,come on. It was a poor choice on behalf of both individuals not just his.
Who was the FRIEND walking with her.
The lighting is horrid on South side my Nissan has awesome head lights but I often have to turn them off than back on to make sure they are on over there and I have awesome night vision, down town , oneonta is no better. And folks including my self seldom use the cross walks .