These are the results for the poll “If you were a REPUBLICAN participating in the Iowa caucuses who would you support, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio?”
Our National Debt dates from the earliest days of the American Republic. When we fought the Revolution, we borrowed (from France) to pay for the weapons needed to take the fight to the British.…
Both Biden and Trump are trade protectionists, which means they are willing to put tariffs—taxes, essentially—on imported items. Tariffs make imported items more expensive, which is supposed to create more reasons to produce those things in the United States. Do tariffs produce such magic? To answer, it’s important to first understand how international trade works.…
Can you imagine a defendant in your own county, berating the local judges and staff and their families after a grand jury of ordinary citizens had indicted him for stealing from you, fraudulently selling you worthless goods, or for abusing your daughter?…