Only Oneonta Has
2 Trees Chosen By
Rockefeller Center
By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com

WEST ONEONTA – Supervisor Bob Wood doesn’t want to brag, but there really is something special about the Town of Oneonta.

“From my understanding, it’s the first time they’ve selected two trees from one community,” said Wood. “The rumor is they wanted it four years ago, but it wasn’t quite big enough.”
With the 75-foot-tall Norway Spruce on “Daddy Al” Dick’s Route 23 property due to be cut down at 8 a.m. tomorrow (Thursday), Oneonta is now home to not one, but two Rockefeller Center Christmas trees, centerpiece of a world-famous holiday celebration spanning the Great Depression, World War II and now, COVID-19.
“We’re very honored to have been selected twice,” said Wood.
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