Otsego Electric Coop Crew, CEO Doused
Participating In ALS ‘Ice Bucket’ Challenge
HARTWICK – Otsego Electric Cooperative President Steve Rinell asked his employees to participate in the ALS “Ice Bucket” Challenge that has raised $93 million so far to help fight Lou Gehrig Disease. At 4 p.m. today, then took him up on it.
The coop crew filled a backhoe bucket with water and ice and, with Steve sitting in their midst, underwent an icy dousing.
For the privilege of doing so, each paid $10. Steve matched them $10 each, raising $240 for the ALS Foundation. Plus, he donated $100, and challenged his counterpart at the Steuben Electric Cooperative, Wayne Sherwood, to do the same.
Crew members undergoing a dousing included, from Oneonta, Dan Hamilton, Jim Foote, Cody Allen and Brad Alger. Also, Steve Rind and Kevin Rottingen, Cooperstown; Lee Rumovicz, Maryland; Tom Fish, Milford, and Trevor LeFever, Unadilla.