

Montanti: Enough Is Enough

We, the concerned citizens of greater Oneonta, are frustrated by the apparent lack of transparency in the administration of our City Hall government. Dear Mayor Drnek and city staff, your behaviors of ignoring us are clear and your unwillingness to listen and act accordingly is causing this divide in our city.…

Bound Volumes: March 7, 2024

Action is necessary, spirited action, on the part of all those opposed to any and all of the projects to divide the County (Otsego County). Some among many reasons which go to oppose a division are that in small counties, the burden of taxation is heavier than in large; and that proximity to the county courts is calculated to increase litigation. Remonstrances, we understand, are in circulation, or about to be, which all are requested to sign who…

Hometown History: March 7, 2024

90 Years Ago
As part of a concerted temperance education drive by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, nine copies of the recently published “Syllabus in Alcohol Education” have been placed in schools here, it was announced yesterday. These were distributed at the request of local teachers. Copies of this syllabus are much in demand throughout the country, said Mrs. Lula C. Walker of this city, the New York State W.C.T.U. vice-president, and copies are being distributed at the rate of 1,000…