
Bound Volumes: December 28, 2023

The new Village Hall is to be formally opened with a Grand Ball given by the Fire Department on Friday evening, January 18. Gartland’s Tenth Regiment orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music. Previous to the Ball a concert will be given. A first-class lady singer, Mr. Gartland, cornet, and Mr. Prussian, piccolo, will be soloists, and will be supported by the orchestra, which all Cooperstown people know to be first class. As the proceeds will be…

Hometown History: December 28, 2023

“You’re not treating a patient anymore. You’re treating an adversary.” That’s how one physician sums up doctors’ fears of the professional and financial consequences of being sued for malpractice—even if they win their case. Those fears have triggered massive spending on defensive medicine, on malpractice insurance, and on the red tape these involve. The American Medical Association puts the total bill now at nearly $19 billion annually, or six cents for every dollar Americans spend for health care.…