
Bound Volumes: December 21, 2023

Experience has shown that the tendency of all human government is, to corruption, oppression, and, finally, dissolution. Of course, no reflecting mind has hoped or expected that our government would, ultimately, be exempt from the common lot. Yet there were thousands—and we were among them—who had hoped, if they had not actually believed, that a government in itself so perfect and so well calculated to “secure the greatest happiness of the greatest number” as ours, might prove to…

Hometown History: December 21, 2023

70 Years Ago
A program on Americanism, directed by Mrs. Foster Crosby, highlighted the Christmas party of Sidney Chapter, DAR Wednesday in the Community House. Mrs. Crosby, in a reading on Communism in this country, described a devotee to Communism as a fanatic who lives only for his party, placing that above everything. She urged Americans to exert themselves to spread Americanism so others may realize how necessary freedom is in our way of life. Howard Dunbar, faculty member of Sidney…