

Ribbon Cutting Thursday, Followed by Open House Saturday

“The town has needed a new garage for a long time,” said Town Highway Superintendent Don Smith. “The guys and I can’t wait to get into this new building, where we’ll have adequate space for storing and servicing our trucks and equipment comfortably and, most importantly, safely,” he added.…


Professor’s Work on Display

“‘Start from ZERO’ is a sweeping exhibition filling both the Martin-Mullen and Project Space galleries with an expansive overview of Yolanda Sharpe’s contemporary practice,” said SUNY Oneonta Gallery Director Sarah Simpson.…

Bound Volumes: December 14, 2023

Local: It is suggested that the Literary Society of Cooperstown take the initiative in organizing the Otsego County Historical Society.
The law against coasting on the sidewalks should be enforced. If those who have icy walks in front of their premises will take the proper means to do away with the danger often resulting therefrom, they will do a good deed.
It is suggested that when the Cooperstown railroad orders new locomotives, they may be of the kind that uses…

Hometown History: December 14, 2023

40 Years Ago
In a further effort to protect President Reagan and the White House from terrorism, the Secret Service has the ability to use ground-to-air missiles to shoot down suspicious aircraft flying near the White House without authorization, a source said Monday. The disclosure follows a series of steps to insulate the White House from terrorist attacks. The Secret Service monitors aircraft flying into and out of nearby National Airport from a control center in the Old Executive Office Building.…