

Editorial: The Great White-tail Count

There was a marked decline of the New York deer population through most of the 19th century, to a low between 1880 and 1890. By 1885, deer were in danger of extermination throughout the state, except for in the wild, nonagricultural region of the central Adirondacks.…


Non-profits Subsidizing the Government

I recently read an article on a non-profit blog titled “Non-profit Math.” It was a humorous inside look at how math actually works in the non-profit world. One example is how a non-profit will spend $10,000.00 in funds and staff time to raise $5,000.00 at a fundraising event.…


Bound Volumes: November 16, 2023

Over 800 relics of Indian times have been presented to the museum at the Village Club by Dr. James C. Ferguson of St. Paul, Minnesota, a former resident of Cooperstown. The specimens are now being catalogued by Manager George N. Smith and will soon be on exhibition.…


Hawthorn Hill Journal: Waste Not, Want Not…

Over the past several weeks, as we have been busy attending to pre-winter chores in our gardens, one word has repeatedly come to mind: waste. We try to minimize our waste stream up here on the hill. But I was thinking of how wasteful we have become in our relations with one another.…