

Like Charleston, Offer Free Trolleys

Like Charleston, Offer Free Trolleys Edition Of Thursday-Friday Sept. 25-26 To the Editor: A modest proposal: I recently happened to visit Charleston, S.C., which, like Cooperstown, is a noted tourist destination. And, like Cooperstown, or any similar tourist town, they have a parking problem. Charlestown, however, has done something which Cooperstown might consider, namely, establishing a free trolley service. Being able to jump on and off a trolley making the circuit of the main local sites without having to dig…


In Stamp-Collecting Month, Consider Pastime

In Stamp-Collecting Month, Consider Pastime Edition of Friday, Sept. 26 To the Editor: A single stamp, the British Guiana one-cent magenta, sold in June 2014 at Sotheby’s for a record-setting $9.48 million. By weight, a mere .04 grams, it is considered the most valuable item in the world. The stamp was issued in 1856 in British Guiana (now Guyana), and is the only copy known to exist. Interestingly, it was found in 1873 by a Scottish schoolboy who sold it…


Falsehoods Helped Sink Town Board Campaign

Falsehoods Helped Sink Town Board Campaign Edition of Friday, Sept. 26 To The Editor: I lost the Democratic Primary in the Town of Oneonta, but I am proud to say that I did so with my integrity intact. Not one negative article was written, no personal attacks were launched and petitions were not challenged. As I visited homes throughout the town, I tried to focus on my positions and to explain my experiences in municipal governance. However, this became very…

Over 50 Years, CGP Students Gather 1,800 Oral Histories

Over 50 Years, CGP Students Gather 1,800 Oral Histories By LIBBY CUDMORE•The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday, Sept. 25 From maple sugar to folk songs, from farming techniques to pierogie recipes, over 1,800 recordings have been collected by the Cooperstown Graduate Program since its founding 50 years ago. “There’s all kinds of incredible material,” said Will Walker, the associate professor of history who oversees the student research. “These are people’s lives.” The Oral History collection has been part the Folklore…

Jellyfish In Otsego Lake

Jellyfish In Otsego Lake By JIM KEVLIN•The Freeman’s Journal Edition of  Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014 In July, Colin Lassiter, 6, was fishing off Council Rock with his dad and sister, and he discovered dozens of Craspedacusta sowerbyi, a fresh-water jellyfish, in James Fenimore Cooper’s Glimmerglass. “I thought they were some sort of weird bubble,” the boy said. Since, two other “credible reports” have been received by SUNY Oneonta’s Biological Field Station, according to Paul Lord, who teaches at SUNY and…


Editorial: Oneonta Town, City Should Join In Regional Water Authority

 Oneonta Town, City Should Join In Regional Water Authority The Oneonta Town Board is energetically seeking to make a historic mistake that will have increasingly negative impacts on Greater Oneonta for decades to come. Southside neighbors are being asked to approve a water district that would allow construction of a water plant in Emmons’ Fortin Park. Let’s hope, for their good and that of the whole, that they say no. Right now, downtown Oneonta, step by step, is coming back.…

Springbrook Keynoter: ‘Weaknesses Can Be Made Positives’

Springbrook Keynoter: ‘Weaknesses Can Be Made Positives’ By LIBBY CUDMORE•HOMETOWN ONEONTA Nothing, not the lack of coordinates on Mapquest or a GPS mishap was going to delay Jesse Saperstein from speaking at Springbrook. “A comedy of things happened,” he said. “But it was important for me to get here and speak, especially to my new friend Michael.” That new friend was a visibly overjoyed Michael Travisano, who was in the audience with his father, Hartwick professor Thomas and mother, Elsa.…

New Broadband Plan For County Takes Shape

New Broadband Plan For County Takes Shape By JIM KEVLIN • HOMETOWN ONEONTA A three-person team from FARR Technologies of Sioux Falls, S.D., spent three days in Otsego County last week, tightening a schematic for achieving broadband Internet service countywide within five years. FARR’s mandate is to provide, by mid-October, “information we need to aggressively apply for state and federal funding,” said Sandy Mathes, Otsego County IDA president. He plans to ask the IDA board to approve funding applications when…

OPD Stats: Trouble Up

OPD Stats: Trouble Up By LIBBY CUDMORE • The number of Hartwick College and SUNY Oneonta students who have been taken to Fox Hospital more than tripled this fall from the same four-week period in 2013, according to Assistant Fire Chief Jim Maloney. “There’s been a huge spike in calls this year,” he said. Between Aug. 18 and Sept. 21 of this year, Oneonta EMS transported 50 college students to Fox Hospital, compared to 16 during the same period the…