
110 Hop-Growing Aficionados Tour Sites Of County Revival

110 Hop-Growing Aficionados Tour Sites Of County Revival   ONEONTA – Otsego County’s reputation as a hops-growing hub was further fertilized today at 110 hops growers, prospective hops growers and people interested in the revival of the historic local crop toured sites from Oneonta to Pierstown. Another 30 people tried to register for the Northeast Hops Alliance’s annual Field Day, but couldn’t be accommodated, said Alycia Schick, a staffer with the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service.  A smaller tour is…

Scriven Foundation $5,000 Matching Grant Offered For Coop Food Pantry Renovations

Scriven Foundation $5,000 Matching Grant Offered For Coop Food Pantry Renovations COOPERSTOWN – Renovations are underway that will move the Cooperstown Food Pantry from the baseball of the Presbyterian Church basement to the first floor, director Audrey Murray reports. Cooperstown Food Pantry provides emergency food assistance to an average of 175 northern Otsego County families every month, 600 – 700 people, and the move will provide easier access for those clients, “many of whom are elderly or disabled,” Murray said.…

Otsego 2000’s Dillingham Testifies To EPA On Dangers Of Natural Gas

Otsego 2000’s Dillingham Testifies To EPA On Dangers Of Natural Gas COOPERSTOWN – Nicole Dillingham, Otsego 2000 president, was in Pittsburgh today testifying against a proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rule that she said ” invites a major conversion to natural gas throughout the country because natural gas.” “However,” she said, “methane itself is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and the environmental damage caused by the extraction, processing and waste disposal associated with natural gas use were not…

By Dismantling Moreland Commission, Cuomo Attracts Prosecutor’s Attention

By Dismantling Moreland Commission, Cuomo Attracts Prosecutor’s Attention By ALAN CHARTOCK • Capitol Connection The biggest story of the year in state politics is what happened to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Moreland Act Commission, which was supposed to look into corruption in state government. READ NEW YORK TIMES INVESTIGATIVE REPORT When Cuomo established the commission he said it would be independent and would follow the leads no matter where they led. He said that the commission, made up of outstanding members, including several…

BOUND VOLUMES, July 31, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, July 31, 2014 200 YEARS AGO James Graham was executed at Delhi, Delaware County, on Friday last, pursuant to the sentence of the law, for the murder of Hugh Cameron and Alexander McGillivray in July 1813. He ascended the scaffold with a firm and bold step, and before being turned off, declared, and called God to witness, that he was innocent of the crime for which he was to suffer; and that if ever a murder was committed…

Joan Moyer, 80; Civic Leader Chaired Many Boards

IN MEMORIAM:  Joan Moyer, 80; Civic Leader Chaired Many Boards ONEONTA – Joan F. Moyer, former president of the Oneonta School Board who was active in many civic leadership roles, passed away Monday, July 28, 2014, at the Albany Medical Center after a brief illness. She was surrounded and embraced by her immediate family: her husband Bob, daughters Terri and Kathy, and son Scott. Born Feb. 14, 1934, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Fallon of West Stockbridge, Mass., Joan…


WITH ARREST, ‘MULTI-YEAR PROBE’ INTO DRUG TRAFFICKING IS AT END 30 Arrests For Selling Heroin, Oxycodone Made Since 2011, Sheriff Says COOPERSTOWN – Sheriff Richard J. Devlin Jr. this afternoon announced that Tuesday’s arrest of a suspect in Putnam County has brought two multi-year investigations into heroin and oxycodone trafficking “in and around Otsego County” to an end. More than 30 people were arrested in “Operation Dial Tone,” focused on heroin, and “Operation White Gold,” focused on oxycodone that has been “covertly…