
milford fire - Page 37


HOMETOWN HISTORY, July 4, 2014 125 Years Ago The third annual meeting of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Otsego County was held in the M.E. Church at Milford, June 19th and 20th. The Superintendent of Unfermented Wines reported that, of the 22 churches responding to inquiries, eighteen used unfermented wine, and of the four using fermented wine, at least one had been the cause of the fall of a reclaimed man, who at tasting wine at communion, aroused his…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 31, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, May 31, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Financial matters – Congress has made appropriations for the support of government for the year 1812, passed February 26, 1812, for $1,264,412.54. Congress has passed a bill appropriating fifty thousand dollars for the relief of the sufferers by the late earthquake at Venezuela. The president is empowered to purchase provisions to that amount and cause them to be exported to Carraccas. The Treasury Department statement of the probable application during the year…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 24, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, January 24, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Boston – Yesterday, the specie, amounting to about 168,000 dollars, captured by Commodore Rodgers’ squadron on board the British Swallow Packet, bound from Jamaica to England, was landed at the Navy Yard in Charlestown under the direction and order of the Marshal of the district, who caused it to be placed in six wagons, which, with colors flying and drums beating, attended by the boat’s crews of the squadron, and protected by…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 16, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, May 16, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Havre de Grace – This morning, a little after the break of day, a British armed force, under cover of armed vessels which anchored in front of this town in eleven large barges, landed below a small breast work which had been roughly thrown up, and in which were one nine and two four pounders, manned by 50 militia. The vessels in front of the town threw 8 Congreve rockets, one of…

BOUND VOLUMES, April 17, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, April 17, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – School Money – The proportion of School Money for the County of Otsego, has been received from the Superintendent of Common Schools. The several towns in the County can have the same for the year 1813, by applying for it. An order signed by all the Commissioners, will be necessary, which may be drawn payable to any one of them, or any other person. It will also be necessary that…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 29, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, May 29, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Anecdote – A Clergyman in Scotland desired his hearers never to call one another liars, but when anyone said the thing that was not, they ought to whistle. On Sunday he preached a sermon on the parable of the loaves and fishes, and being at a loss how to explain it, he said the loaves were not like those now-a-days, they were as big as some of the hills of Scotland! He…

Seward Announces $50,000 Grant For Gazebo, Sidewalks In Schenevus

Seward Announces $50,000 Grant For Gazebo, Sidewalks In Schenevus SCHENEVUS – At the Fireman’s Carnival here Friday, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, announced a $50,000 economic-development grant for a gazebo at Borst Field and other beautification efforts. “The Town of Maryland, including the Village of Schenevus, is an idyllic location,” said Seward. “By upgrading and further beautifying the community, the quality of life for residents improves and more visitors will be encouraged to stop by bolstering our local businesses.”…

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