
POLIO - Page 4


STERNBERG: Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray Many people have asked me to explain vaccines to them, and specifically the ones for COVID-19. They are most concerned with how they work, when they will be available, and if they will be safe. Hopefully, this column will help. The terms vaccine and vaccination derive from the Latin name Variola vaccinae, which means small pox of the cow. Vacca is Latin for cow. The term vaccine was first…


THIS WEEK — December 10, 2020

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta Dec. 10 – 11, 2020 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE ‘Critical Point’ Near LeCates: ‘Important Moment ‘Code Blue’ Fears Spur Shelter Idea Day of Decision Nears on Gun-Sanctuary Vote ‘Mary’s Plan’ Mailed To President Macron’s Desk Outpouring Helps Buoy ‘Angel Tree’ EDITORIAL Let’s Call It: ‘Profiles In Fairness’ COLUMNS More Thank Ever, Shop Locally This Christmas ‘Sometimes A Firm Rap… LETTERS LaCHANCE: Rotary Helps Fight Social Isolation deBLIECK: Governed Also…


STERNBERG: ‘Herd Immunity’ Will Happen – But When?

LIFE IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 ‘Herd Immunity’ Will Happen – But When? By RICHARD STERNBERG • Special to We have heard the phrase herd immunity frequently and it has been used as if it has some sort of magical powers to free us from the scourge of COVID-19. But what exactly is it and how does it work? Herd immunity is the concept that when a high enough percentage of a population has immunity to a disease, either…


GIBSON: Flippant Headline On Serious Topic

LETTER from TIMOTHY GIBSON Flippant Headline On Serious Topic To The Editor: I find it unruly that Tom Morgan would headline his column (“Nothing to Fear but Flu Itself”) attached to the coattails of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (a man crippled by the polio virus and consistently polled as one of America’s five greatest Presidents) in an attempt to attract reader attention to a very deadly and communicable virus and at the same time disparaging legitimate responses to it. Mr. Morgan…


This Week — Oct. 17-18, 2019

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta Oct. 17-18, 2019 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE AS GOES OTEGO-LAURENS, SO GOES COUNTY Brockway Family Legacy Makes Politics Natural National Strife Motivated Ogden Campaign • Adult, 4 Teens Arrested In Worcester Slaying Cardiff Giant Still Excites 150 Years After Hoax Slow EMS Response Brings Towns Together EDITORIAL McEvoy Memo Warns GOP: You May Lose COLUMNS McEVOY: Manager Certain, But Not Energy, Pot ATWELL: She Would Have Loved That Smile…


Final Sale Packs McLaughlin’s

Final Sale Packs McLaughlin’s Local Store’s End Reduces Chain To Single Norwich Site By LIBBY CUDMORE ONEONTA – As the news that McLaughlin’s on Main Street was closing, shoppers poured in to peruse sales and say hail and farewell to Scott and Anna, who have run the downtown staple since 2016. “We’re not going that much further (away), so please, stop on by,” Scott McLaughlin, president of the Norwich-based department store, told a customer as the closing sale reached a…


Harold Ray, 75; Honored For Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

Harold Ray, 75; Honored For Overcoming Life’s Obstacles ONEONTA – Harold Ray, formerly of Oneonta, the inaugural recipient of The Arc Otsego’s Reach for the Stars Award in 2016, passed away on Jan. 26, 2019, at his nephew’s home in Oxford. The award honored Harold – known to many as a dapper gentleman, always dressed in his suit and tie – for overcoming obstacles in his life and continuing to strive to help others. Harold was born on Nov. 6,…


Harold Ray, 75; Honored For Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

IN MEMORIAM Harold Ray, 75; Honored For Overcoming Life’s Obstacles ONEONTA – Harold Ray, formerly of Oneonta, the inaugural recipient of The Arc Otsego’s Reach for the Stars Award in 2016, formerly of Oneonta, passed away on Jan. 26, 2019, at his nephew’s home in Oxford. The award honored Harold – known to many as a dapper gentleman, always dressed in his suit and tie – for overcoming obstacles in his life and continuing to strive to help others.…


Christmas, Things Better Then Ever – Really!

Editorial for December 21, 2018 Christmas, Things Better Then Ever – Really! Handel’s “Messiah,” performed every other year by the Voices of Cooperstown at Christ Church – on Saturday, December 15, this was one of those happy years – brings to front of mind the inevitable light and darkness that is part of everyone’s life. Amid the wailing and gnashing of teeth that has characterized American life since Nov. 8, 2016 – “dumpster fire” has just been added to Merriam…


Lloyd C. McMurdy, 91; Agway Information-Technology Pioneer

IN MEMORIAM: Lloyd C. McMurdy, 91; Agway Information-Technology Pioneer COOPERSTOWN – Lloyd Charles McMurdy, retired Agway Petroleum information technology manager, passed away Nov. 27, 2018, from metastatic multiple myeloma following a couple years at Cooperstown Center for Rehabilitation &  Nursing. He was born Jan. 22, 1927, to Lillie Roth McMurdy and Ollie McMurdy. In his youth he was active in 4H and sports, and graduated the top of his Class in 1944 from Jefferson Central School.…