

The Partial Observer: On Natural Climate Variability

Over the last 2,000 years there has been a Roman Warm Period and a Medieval Warm Period, and both had temperatures warmer than today. As shown in the following figure, over the last 175 years temperatures have been warming up since the end of the Little Ice Age but carbon dioxide emissions have only risen sharply over the last 75 years.…


UUVA Plant Sale Is Saturday

The sale will feature dozens of perennial varieties donated by local gardeners, with prices ranging from $3.00 to $5.00 per pot. Ambrosia Farms of West Edmeston will also sell its organically grown, open-pollinated heirloom vegetables and herbs, with a portion of proceeds to benefit UUVA.  …

Bound Volumes: May 16, 2024

Important War News—The very day upon which our last paper was printed, the powerful armies of Grant and Lee met in dreadful conflict and once more the blood-stained hills and valleys of Virginia echoed and re-echoed the sound of booming cannon. For several weeks Gen. Grant had been concentrating his forces and perfecting his arrangements; and, as soon as ready, he “moved upon the enemy’s works.” The accounts at hand, up to the hour of writing this article…

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